Cookbooks Gallery
Pythia Cookbooks provide example workflows on more advanced and domain-specific problems developed by the Pythia community. Cookbooks build on top of skills you learn in Pythia Foundations.
Cookbooks are created from Jupyter Notebooks that we strive to binderize so each Cookbook can be executed in the cloud with a single click from your browser, but in some instances executing a Cookbook will require running the notebooks locally.
Interested in contributing a new Cookbook or contributing to an existing Cookbook? Great! Please see the Project Pythia Cookbook Contributor’s Guide, and consider opening a discussion under the Project Pythia category of the Pangeo Discourse.

CESM LENS on AWS Cookbook
Author: Anderson Banihirwe, Brian Bonnlander, Jeff de La Beaujardière, Scott Henderson, CESM LENS on AWS Cookbook contributors
Notebooks developed to demonstrate analysis of CESM LENS data publicly available on Amazon S3 (us-west-2 region) using Xarray and Dask.

CMIP6 Cookbook
Author: Ryan Abernathey, Henri Drake, Robert R. Ford, CMIP6 Cookbook contributors
Examples of analysis of Google Cloud CMIP6 data using Pangeo tools.

HRRR AWS Cookbook
Author: Kevin Tyle, HRRR-AWS Cookbook contributors
A cookbook for working with AWS-served HRRR model output data.

Radar Cookbook
Author: Maxwell Grover, Zachary Sherman, Milind Sharma, Alfonso Ladino, Crystal Camron, Takashi Unuma, Radar Cookbook contributors
A cookbook meant to work with various weather radar data.
Intake Cookbook
Author: James Morley, Intake Cookbook contributors
This cookbook shows examples of using and creating Intake catalogs to access data.

Landsat ML Cookbook
Author: Demetris Roumis, Landsat ML Cookbook contributors
Machine learning on Landsat data.

Kerchunk Cookbook
Author: Norland Raphael Hagen, Kerchunk Cookbook contributors
Kerchunk provides cloud-friendly access to archival data. With Kerchunk you can read collections of legacy file formats (NetCDF, GRIB2 etc.) as if they were ARCO (Analysis-Ready Cloud-Optimized) formats such as Zarr, without creating a copy of the original dataset.

xbatcher for Machine Learning Part 1 Cookbook
Author: Christopher Dupuis, Anirban Sinha, Ryan Abernathey, xbatcher for Machine Learning Part 1 Cookbook contributors
A complete workflow for a convolutional neural network using xbatcher.

Dask Cookbook
Author: Negin Sobhani, Vanderwende Brian, Deepak Cherian, Ben Kirk, Dask Cookbook contributors
A cookbook for Dask workflows.

ARCO ERA-5 Interactive Visualization Cookbook
Author: Kevin Tyle, Michael Barletta, ARCO ERA-5 Cookbook contributors
A cookbook to interactively explore and visualize ERA-5 data in ARCO format.

Web Map / Feature Services Cookbook
Author: Andrew Huang, Web Map / Feature Services Cookbook contributors
Learn how to use web map and feature services to easily and quickly provide spatial context, without the need to download and process GBs of data!

Sentinel-2 L2A Interactive Dashboard
Author: Pritam Das, This Cookbook contributors
This Project Pythia Cookbook provides a recipe for building an interactive dashboard for the Sentinel-2 L2A satellite imagery using the holoviews ecosystem.

(re)Gridding with xarray
Author: Thomas Martin, (re)Gridding with xarray contributors
A small collection of notebooks that explores some (re)gridding options within the Xarray ecosystem. The thumbnail image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2.

Vapor Python Cookbook
Author: Nihanth Cherukuru, Stanislaw 'Stas' Jarosynski, Philip Austin, VAPOR python cookbook contributors
The Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers (VAPOR) provides an interactive 3D visualization environment for exploratory visual analysis and the production of captivating animations and high-quality images. VAPOR runs on most UNIX and Windows systems equipped ... more

Vapor Python Cookbook
Author: Nihanth Cherukuru, Stanislaw 'Stas' Jarosynski, Philip Austin, VAPOR python cookbook contributorsThe Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers (VAPOR) provides an interactive 3D visualization environment for exploratory visual analysis and the production of captivating animations and high-quality images. VAPOR runs on most UNIX and Windows systems equipped with modern 3D graphics cards.
3D-Visualizations Climate Numpy Particles Vapor Weather Xarray

Advanced Visualization Cookbook
Author: Julia Kent, Anissa Zacharias, Orhan Eroglu, Philip Chmielowiec, John Clyne, Advanced Visualization Cookbook contributors
This Cookbook demonstrates advanced plotting routines using the Python packages matplotlib, cartopy, metpy, and geocat-viz.

Unstructured Grids Visualization Cookbook
Author: Orhan Eroglu, Philip Chmielowiec, Rajeev Jain, Ian Franda, Unstructured Grids Visualization Cookbook contributors
This Cookbook is a comprehensive showcase of workflows

NA-CORDEX Visualization Cookbook
Author: Brian Bonnlander, Seth McGinnis, Anderson Banihirwe, Eric Nienhouse, Jeff de La Beaujardière, NA-CORDEX Visualization Cookbook contributors
A notebook for visualizing data from the NA-CORDEX dataset.

EOFs Cookbook
Author: Robert R. Ford, EOFs Cookbook contributors
Description of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis and examples of its application to climate data.

Ocean Biogeochemistry Cookbook
Author: Lev Romashkov, Kristen Krumhardt, Ocean Biogeochemistry Cookbook Contributors
This Project Pythia Cookbook covers working with various sources of ocean biogeochemistry data, including Community Earth System Model (CESM) output and observational data. It provides a brief introduction to some metrics important to ocean biogeochemistry, from physical quantities like temperature to ... more

Ocean Biogeochemistry Cookbook
Author: Lev Romashkov, Kristen Krumhardt, Ocean Biogeochemistry Cookbook ContributorsThis Project Pythia Cookbook covers working with various sources of ocean biogeochemistry data, including Community Earth System Model (CESM) output and observational data. It provides a brief introduction to some metrics important to ocean biogeochemistry, from physical quantities like temperature to biological quantities like plankton biomass. It also demonstrates some of the data science techniques used to work with this information, and provides an introduction to the relationship between modeled and observational estimates.
Cook-Off-2024 Cartopy Climate-Modeling Matplotlib Oceanography Xarray

Investigating interhemispheric precipitation changes over the past millennium
Author: Deborah Khider, Srihari Sundar, Varun Ratnakar
This cookbook covers paleoclimate model-data comparison using spatio-temporal pattern obtained using Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

ESGF Cookbook
Author: Maxwell A. Grover, Nathan Collier, Carsten Ehbrecht, Jacqueline Nugent, Gerardo A. Rivera Tello
A cookbook for working with data from the Earth System Grid Federation.

Wavelet Cookbook
Author: Cora Schneck, Wavelet Cookbook contributors
A cookbook to learn to work with wavelets in Python

Earth Observation Data Science Cookbook
Author: Wolfgang Wagner, Martin Schobben, Nikolas Pikall, Joseph Wagner, Davide Festa, Felix David Reuß, Luka Jovic, Earth Observation Data Science contributors
Earth Observation Data Science Cookbook provides training material centered around Earth Observation data while honoring the Pangeo Philosophy. The examples used in the notebooks represent some of the main research lines of the Remote Sensing Unit at the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation at the ... more

Earth Observation Data Science Cookbook
Author: Wolfgang Wagner, Martin Schobben, Nikolas Pikall, Joseph Wagner, Davide Festa, Felix David Reuß, Luka Jovic, Earth Observation Data Science contributorsEarth Observation Data Science Cookbook provides training material centered around Earth Observation data while honoring the Pangeo Philosophy. The examples used in the notebooks represent some of the main research lines of the Remote Sensing Unit at the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation at the TU Wien (Austria). In addition, the content familiarizes the reader with the data available at the EODC (Earth Observation Data Centre For Water Resources Monitoring) as well as the computational resources to process large amounts of data.
Earth-Observation Holoviews Microwave-Remote-Sensing Odc-Stac Pystac-Client Remote-Sensing Rioxarray Sentinel-1 Stac Xarray